Member of the Graduate Faculty | Associate Professor, Sociology | Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies | Associate Professor, Anthropology | Associate Professor, Applied Intercultural Arts Research - GIDP
Jen Croissant PhD Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Science Technology Studies, 1994) is interested in the sociology of science and technology, particularly feminist science studies. Graduate Teaching includes ‘Science Social Theory,’ ‘Technology Social Theory,’ and the core GWS Seminar ‘Feminist Knowledge Production,’ while undergraduate teaching includes GWS160C TRAD 103) Technology Society, and GWS 317: Science Fiction Studies. Recent works include studies of agnotology, including a general model of ignorance and absence, and forthcoming work on levels of non-knowledge and non-disclosure in American Football. Please see the Academia and learn more at ResearchGate for access to articles and information.