Professor, Civil Engineering-Engineering Mechanics | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Professor, Aerospace-Mechanical Engineering
Professor Kundu has taught a variety of courses on mechanics and numerical methods. These include undergraduate courses on Statics, Dynamics, Strength of Material, Numerical Analysis with MATLAB, Structural Analysis, and Finite Element Method. At the graduate level he has taught courses on Continuum Mechanics, Elasticity, Plasticity, Advanced Finite Element Analysis, Fracture Mechanics and Elastic Wave Propagation in Solids. He has developed the last three graduate courses at the University of Arizona and thoroughly revised the first three. He has authored a textbook on fracture mechanics that also includes elasticity theory in its first chapter, co-authored a textbook on Introductory Finite Element Method and edited a book on Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation that can be used as a textbook for a graduate level course on elastic waves. He has supervised 22 MS students (2 jointly), 34 PhD students (9 jointly and 3 in Foreign Institutes), and 7 post-doctoral research scholars. He is currently supervising 2 MS and 4 PhD (1 jointly) students. In 1999 his MS student (Y.C. Jung) received the best MS thesis award at the University of Arizona. Only one MS thesis was selected for this award in 1999 among all fields of science, engineering and humanities. In three consecutive years 2000, 2001 and 2002 his PhD student C. M. Dao received the Bill Gates Millennium scholarship and was selected for the Outstanding Graduate Student of the CEEM (Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics) Department in 2007. His PhD students Samik Das and Ehsan Kabiri Rahani also received the Outstanding Graduate Student of the CEEM Department award in 2008 and 2011, respectively. In 2009 he received the outstanding faculty award for his teaching, selected by the undergraduate students of the CEEM department. In the year 2000 Dr. Kundu received a Letter of Commendation from the Graduate College of the University of Arizona for his contributions in graduate teaching, research and mentoring activities. In May 2002 he received a special recognition as the Outstanding Honors Faculty, awarded by the University of Arizona and the Honors College for his ‘outstanding and dedicated service in guiding undergraduate students of the Honors College’. His former graduate students are now faculty members in USA (University of South Carolina, California State University at Northridge, North Carolina State University and State University of New York at Buffalo), and abroad - South Korea, India, Brazil, Qatar and Turkey.