Assistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine - (Clinical Scholar Track)
Jerry Koleski recieved his MD from the University of South Florida and then completed the one of the first Global Health Tracks in Family Medicine at Marshall University. He worked for six years at El Rio Community Health Center (a Federally Qualified Health Center) in Tucson, AZ. He was also voluteer clinical faculty for the University of ARizona Family Medicine residency during those six years. The Koleski family then worked five years at Hospital Vozandes del Oriente in Shell, Ecuador, on the edge of the Amazon rainforest. Jerry did full spectrum Family Medicine and more: Inpatient and Outpatient Medicine, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Intensive Care, Endoscopies, Ultrasounds. He also taught Ecuadorian Family Medicine residents from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador. Jerry then served as a Visiting Professor at Indiana University Family Medicine residency program for one year, then the Koleski family moved on to Partners in Hope in Lolongwe, Malawi, east Africa where he cared for HIV/AIDS patients. The inpatient and outpatient areas were a teaching venue for UCLA Internal Medicine residents. Jerry joined the Family and Community Medicine faculty at the Uuniversity of Arizona in 2012. He enjoys precepting the Inpatient and Outpatient services, teaching Global Health, being a Primary Care Physician for HIV positive patients in the outpatient clinic. He became Co-Director of Global Health Programs at UA COMT in 2018, mentoring, supervising and developing the annual Global Health Course begun at the University of Arizona in 1985 by Ron Pust, MD and Tracy Carroll, PT. Jerry likes being a Family Physician very much, but his real passion is teaching medical students and residents to become great physicians.