Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Professor, Neuroscience | Professor, Psychology | Professor, Neuroscience - GIDP | Professor, BIO5 Institute | Professor, Entomology / Insect Science - GIDP | Professor, Applied Mathematics - GIDP | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP
Organization in groups, how collective behaviors emerge from the actions and interactions of individuals, is the main interest of Anna Dornhaus. As model systems she studies social insect colonies (bumble bees, honey bees and ants) in the laboratory and in the field, as well as using mathematical and individual-based modeling approaches. She investigates mechanisms of coordination in foraging, collective decision-making, task allocation and division of labor. Her recent work has included the role of communication in the allocation of foragers to food sources; the evolution of different recruitment systems in different species of bees, and how ecology shapes these recruitment systems; house hunting strategies in ants; speed-accuracy trade offs in decision-making; and whether different group sizes necessitate different organizational strategies.