Clinical Professor, Basic Medical Sciences | Chair, Ophthalmology | Clinical Professor, Ophthalmology
I have been in Academic Medical Centers at LSU (NIH POST Doc National Research Service Award,) followed by 2 year Vitreoretinal surgical Fellowship at Washington University St. Louis. I returned to LSU and assumed Assistant Professor role teaching vitreoretinal surgery and Uveitis to ophthalmogy residents and Retinal fellows. Was promoted to Associate Professor after 6 years. After 10 years, I moved to Tulane University Dept Ophthalmology and was promoted to Full Professor. Hurricane Katrina intervened in 2005, and after losing our home and our fellows...who were transferred to continue their training, I moved to U of A Tucson and continued teaching Vitreoretinal surgery and Uveitis to residents. Dr Peyman and I started the first Vitreoretinial fellowship in the State at U of A Tucson that year. We moved to Phoenix after one year due to my parents illnesses, and I joined BMS as professor of Basic Medical Sciences. Also assumed voluntary role as Medical Student Educator in Ophthalmology and helped students interested in the Ophthalmology as a profession successfully match. Published with many of them and mentored them. Was promoted to Interim Chair in 2016, and have been performing the same function within the school assisting students...and organizing a faculty for formal postDoctoral training program in future.