The University of Arizona
Picture of Christopher Weber

Christopher Weber

Professor, School of Government and Public Policy | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Director

School of Govt & Public Policy


Chris Weber is an Associate Professor in the School of Government and Public Policy. He received his PhD in political science from Stony Brook University in 2008. Dr. Weber specializes in political psychology, and political behavior, with a focus on American political campaigns and ideology. In addition, he has research interests in political methodology, primarily experimental methods and measurement. His work has been published in The American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, Political Behavior, Political Psychology, Social Science Quarterly, Human Communication Research and Political Research Quarterly. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses on political psychology, the mass media, and research methods.

Research Area

  • Ideology in Politics

  • American National Government

  • Quantitative Methodology II

  • Introduction to American Politics

  • Quantitative Methodology III

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