Associate Department Head | Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering | Member of the Graduate Faculty
Hal Tharp is an associate professor and the associate department head in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona. His research interests are in the general area of control theory. He has worked on many real-world systems including controlling large flexible space structures, optical disk drives, space-based calorimeters, instructional control systems, temperatures inside living tissue, gyroscopically stabilized platforms, metrology, and micro-electromechanical systems, or MEMS. Tharp enjoys teaching, and he has taught engineering classes at all levels – as well as online – including Introduction to Engineering, Elements of Electrical Engineering, Microprocessor Organization, Electric Circuits, Signals & Systems, Automatic Control, Digital Control, Power Electronics, Adaptive Control, and Linear Systems. He is very interested in how students learn and how to improve the learning process for students.