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Picture of Kavan Hazeli

Kavan Hazeli

Member of the Graduate Faculty | Associate Professor, Optical Sciences | Associate Professor | Associate Professor, Aerospace-Mechanical Engineering | Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Aerospace & Mechanical Engr


Dr. Kavan Hazeli is an associate professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arizona. Dr. Hazeli has a joint appointment with the Biomedical Engineering Department and the College of Optical Sciences. His research group is active in designing, characterizing, and optimizing multi-functional materials built by additive manufacturing techniques, focusing on materials performance and failure mechanisms under fatigue, impact, and thermomechanical loading. Dr. Hazeli is the recipient of the 2020 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award Foundation. Dr. Hazeli's group is also active in designing and building educational tools and life-assisting items for the visually impaired and people with cognitive impairment (e.g., Alzheimer's). Dr. Hazeli's team uses cutting-edge technologies in robotics, data conversion methods, artificial intelligence, light detection and ranging (LiDAR), vision optics, haptic technology, and additive manufacturing to integrate human needs, capabilities, and behavior in their design.

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