Professor, Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences | Member of the Graduate Faculty
I am an Associate Professor and Director of Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory in the School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory is an World organization for Animal Health's Reference Laboratory for Crustacean Disease. The laboratory is also an USDA approved and ISO 17025 accreditated laboratory for diagnossis of crustacean diseases. I did MS and PhD from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India, and Post-doctoral research in Agriculture Canada, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, and Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine in Massachusetts. Upon completing postdoctoral research, I worked in biotech companies in California and Maryland before joining The University of Arizona, Tucson. I have spent my professional career working on to develop disease diagnostics, vaccines and therapies against viral and bacterial diseases in shrimp and fish. I have been actively involved in teaching and mentoring graduates and undergraduates at the University of Arizona, and several colleges and universities in California, Maryland and Massachusetts. Since 2010, I have been teaching in a summer program in Aquatic Veterinary Medicine AQUAVET® in Cornell University. Over the years, I have mentored many graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral fellows. I have published 80 peer-reviewed papers and 10 chapters in books and proceedings and I am an inventor in five issued patents. I serve as an Associate Editor for the journals Journal of Invertebrate Pathology and VirusDisease and as an adhoc reviewer for neumerous journals in the field of disases in aquatic animals and virology. I served as a ad-hoc reviewer in several funding agencies including USDA, NSF, NOAA, American Soybean Association, and US-Israel bilateral funding agency. I have given numerous invited talk and chaired sessions in national and international meetings and conferences in many countries around the world.