John N. Galgiani, MD, a professor of medicine in infectious diseases at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, has been working with Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis) for more than three decades. In 1996, he became founding director of the UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence, which was established by the Arizona Board of Regents for the benefit of the entire state. The center is located on the UA Health Sciences campus in Tucson and housed along with Dr. Galgiani’s lab at the UA BIO5 Institute. Its work encompasses public awareness, clinical guidelines and training, and research into rapid detection methods for the disease as well as collaborative efforts toward development of a vaccine for both animals and humans. Dr. Galgiani earned his undergraduate degree in biology from Stanford University and his medical degree from Northwestern University. He did a internship in internal medicine at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle and continued his residency at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose, Calif., as well as a fellowship in infectious diseases at Stanford. He served as chief resident at Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center in San Francisco, before joining the faculty at the UA College of Medicine in 1978. He also was infectious diseases program director at the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System from then until 2009. Since 1975, Dr. Galgiani has been a member of the Coccidioidomycosis Study Group—an academic organization created in 1956 to research what was then known as San Joaquin Valley Fever—and has served as lead author for the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s “Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Coccidioidomycosis” from its original publication in 2000 to its most recent revision in 2016. Since 1981, he also has been associated with the National Institutes of Health’s Mycoses Study Group and was a member of the Scientific Working Group for Biological and Emerging Infection Resources at the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Dr. Galgiani has written more than 200 papers and articles relevant to fungal infections, their health consequences and treatment. He also sees patients at the Valley Fever Clinics at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and Banner – UMC Phoenix.