The University of Arizona
Picture of David Soren

David Soren

Professor, Applied Intercultural Arts Research - GIDP | Member of the Graduate Faculty | Professor, Anthropology | Regents Professor | Professor, Religious Studies / Classics | Adjunct Professor, Art

School of Anthropology


Dr. David Soren is editor emeritus of Etruscan Studies which is the official journal of the international Etruscan Foundation. He is a Resident of the American Academy in Rome and Director of the Orvieto Study Abroad Program in Umbria, Italy as well as Principal Investigator and Founder of the Lugnano in Teverina Excavation and Malaria Study Program in southern Umbria. He also is Program Director Emeritus and founder member of the University of Arizona's Humanities Seminars Program. He is a Fellow of Great Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Johns Hopkins Schools of Advanced International Research. Movies about his work have been featured on a number of networks including the BBC ("Malaria and the Fall of Rome"), The Learning Channel ("A Roman Plague" with John Rhys-Davies) and National Geographic ("Kourion") and he has recently had a new strain of olive named after him by the Italian government and been named an honorary Italian citizen.

Research Area

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    • The Classical Ideal in 1930's Art

    • Italian Folklore and Popular Culture

    • Classical Mythology

    • Principles of Archaeology

    • Intensive Elementary Italian

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