Shaun Esposito has been a member of the Kentucky Bar since 1981. Following a year as law clerk to Justice Marvin Sternberg of the Kentucky Supreme court, and a short stint as an appellate public defender in Louisville, he spent five years with the Louisville Legal Aid Society assisting clients in obtaining various government benefits. Mr. Esposito then spent three years as a Legal Writing and Research Instructor at Florida State University's College of Law. At Florida State, he earned a M.S. in Library and Information Studies. His work as a professional librarian started in 1991 at the University of Toledo's College of Law Library, where he was the Evening Public Services Librarian. From 1994 until November 1999, Mr. Esposito worked at the University of Kentucky's law library, where he was the Reference and Electronic Information Services Librarian. He came here to the Law Library in December 1999 as Head of Public Services. In this position, he coordinates the development of the library's collection, supervises and participates in the provision of reference service, and generally involves himself with all aspects of the library's interaction with the public. He also teaches Introduction to Legal Research and Advanced Legal Research each Fall and Spring semester. He is the advisor for the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF). Mr. Esposito has been active in the American Association of Law Libraries, having served on its Government Relations, Copyright, Vendor Relations, and Law Library Journal and AALL Spectrum Committees. He is also a member of the Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) Editorial Board and the author of two CALI legal research lessons.