Kristine Huskey joined the College of Law in 2013 as Director of the Veterans' Advocacy Law Clinic. In addition to teaching clinical legal education, Professor Huskey also teaches international human rights law, national security law and the laws of armed conflict. Prior to joining the Arizona Law faculty, Professor Huskey taught national security and international human rights and humanitarian law at law schools across the country and globally. She was the founding director of the National Security Clinic at the University of Texas School of Law and taught in the international human rights clinics at Washington College of Law American University and George Washington University Law School. Professor Huskey has also taught at Georgetown University Law Center, Howard University, and Victoria University Law School in Wellington, New Zealand. In addition to her academic career, Professor Huskey has worked in the policy arena and practiced law in Washington, D.C. on issues involving national security, human rights, and foreign and military affairs. She was one of the first lawyers to represent Guantanamo detainees and was on the legal teams in both Rasul v Bush (2004) and Boumediene v Bush (2008). Professor Huskey chronicled her experiences of challenging the United States Government during the early Post-9/11 years and visiting the Guantanamo Detention Center in Justice at Guantanamo: One Women's Odyssey and Her Crusade for Human Rights. She also represented the Holy Land Foundation on appeal after it was convicted in the largest terrorism financing trial to date as well as filed amicus briefs in Arar v. Ashcroft and Hamdan v. Bush (2006).