Slovakia, officially known as the Slovak Republic, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It has a rich history and culture dating back to the early Slavic tribes that inhabited the region. Modern research in Slovakia covers a wide range of topics, including history, literature, linguistics, archaeology, environmental science, and economics. One significant area of research in Slovakia is the study of its history, particularly the country's role in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and its subsequent independence after the dissolution of Czechoslovakia. Researchers often examine the cultural and political developments that shaped Slovakia into the nation it is today. Additionally, research in Slovakia often explores the country's unique language and dialects, as well as its literature and folklore. Scholars may study Slovakian literature, poetry, and folklore to gain insight into the country's cultural heritage and traditions. Environmental science is another important research area in Slovakia, as researchers work to understand and address environmental issues such as air and water pollution, deforestation, and climate change. Studies in this field may focus on conservation efforts, sustainable development, and renewable energy sources. Overall, research in Slovakia covers a diverse range of topics that reflect the country's rich history, culture, and natural environment.