Born and raised in Savoy in the French Alps, where we are crazy over fondue, raclette, tartiflette, and basically any dish that contains cheese, ham and potatoes, I defended my thesis at IPAG in Grenoble in 2014 on Exoplanetary Systems Dynamics. My PhD centred on theoretical aspects of planet-debris disks interactions and I got the chance to learn more about observational aspects during my next stop, at PUC in Santiago de Chile, as a FONDECYT postdoctoral fellow. I landed in the U.S.A in 2017, became an Exoplanet Science Initiative Fellow at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and worked as well with IPAC and NExScI. In addition, I have a great interest in teaching and pedagogy, and enjoyed a lot being a science teacher for various audiences all along my university studies, as well as carrying out popularisation activities, especially for kids.