A graduate of the American Film Institute, Lisa Molomot is an American documentary producer, director and editor whose work has aired on PBS series such as Independent Lens and has been seen at film festivals all over the U.S., including Sundance, SXSW, New Directors, New Films and DOC NYC. Her 2013 film SCHOOL’S OUT, about a forest kindergarten in Switzerland, premiered on PBS, won best short at Prescott Film Festival, Colorado Environmental Film Festival and Columbus International Film Festival, and was written about on Slate, in The Atlantic, and in National Geographic. With screenings at over 100 festivals and public screenings around the world, SCHOOL’S OUT sparked a movement among early childhood educators to set up their own versions of an outdoor kindergarten. There are now 250 forest kindergartens in the U.S. She finished work on the feature documentary MISSING IN BROOKS COUNTY, which premiered at the 2020 Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival where it received the Best Southern Feature award and has received funding from ITVS and is Executive Produced by Abigail Disney. The film screened at DOC NYC 2020 and aired on the PBS series Independent Lens in January 2022. Lisa spent the spring of 2019 on a Fulbright Scholarship in Toronto working on the award-winning documentaries SAFE HAVEN about U.S. war resisters seeking asylum in Canada and SOLEDAD about an asylum case. Both films are currently screening at film festivals around the U.S. and Canada. Lisa has taught filmmaking at Yale University, Wesleyan University, Colorado College and Trinity College and currently teaches at the School of Theatre, Film and Television, the Human Rights Practice Program and the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona.