I am a theoretical physicist and my scientific interests are subdivided into two major areas. 1) Relativity and Gravitation. Recently, I have shown that gravitational mass of a composite quantum body, mg, is not always equivalent to its total energy and suggested two experiments to detect such events, where the Einstein’s equation, E=mgc2, is broken. 2) Condensed Matter Physics in High Magnetic Fields. I study exotic superconducting, super-crystalline, spin-density-wave, and unconventional metallic properties of solids in an external magnetic field. Among them, are unconventional superconductivity, including triplet and high temperature singlet d-wave superconductivity, the field-induced spin- and charge-density-waves, the super-crystalline phase in organic conductors and superconductors, the Lebed Magic Angles effects and some other phenomena. In particular, I am interested in investigating of such superconducting phases as the Reentrant superconductivity and the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell phase, which can exist in magnetic fields much higher than both the upper critical magnetic field and the so-called Clogston-Chandrasekhar paramagnetic limit.