Asst. Dean Won supports College of Law engagement initiatives in the Phoenix area. Based in an office on the Phoenix Biomedical Campus, she connects the work of the College of Law and its students, alumni, administrators, and faculty members, with Phoenix-area opportunities, employers, organizations, and agencies. She is an alumn of the College of Law (’05) and served in the Career Development Office for over six years, most recently as Assistant Dean for Employer Outreach. In that role, she focused on post-graduate employment counseling and employer relations. Asst. Dean Won practiced municipal and school law in the California Bay Area, including as Deputy General Counsel to San Francisco Unified School District. Asst. Dean Won’s undergraduate degree is from Stanford University, where she majored in Public Policy. She is a Teach For America alumn, teaching first and second grades for Arbuckle Elementary School in San Jose, California. A native Tucsonan, she enjoys the opportunity to visit to the College of Law regularly.