Member of the Graduate Faculty | Assistant Research Professor, Public Health
Leonard D. Brown is a multidisciplinary health and safety researcher with more than 15 years of academic and industry experience in human computer interaction and visualization. He has published over a dozen papers and presented more than 50 talks on these topics. During his academic career, Brown has also served as key personnel to procure and execute over $5 million in competitive research contracts and awards. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and completed a curriculum in Entrepreneurship through the University of Arizona's McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship. He subsequently launched a startup company, Desert Saber, LLC, through Tech Launch Arizona, using intellectual properties developed in his dissertation. Brown previously worked as a software developer in the gaming industry, and he concurrently serves as an Adjunct Instructor for the University of Arizona’s School of Information. At the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Brown investigates technology-assisted training and evaluation to improve worker health and safety in the mining industry. Brown is an experienced interaction designer with expertise in requirements analysis, design, prototyping, and evaluation. He currently serves as Co-PI for the University’s Western Mining Safety and Health Training Resource Center, where he explores applications of active learning, gamification, and stealth assessment for training. Over the past ten years, he has led a team of researchers, software engineers, and digital media artists to develop computer-based “serious games” that address key issues including hazards recognition, situational awareness, and emergency response. More than 1,500 miners have been trained with these apps to date, and participating mine operators have reported post-intervention reductions in both lost-time injuries and accidents.